

My Opinion about the 996 Work Schedule




It’s mentioned in Karl Marx ’s writing “Das Kapital” that businessmen earn money by means of fleecing workers surplus value , which means pushing the workers to work longer to produce more goods so that more profits are made. With the social welfare consummating day by day ,the old days that workers worked at full capacity nearly the whole day without any break which leads to many mental and physical problems seems to have gone forever. However, the 996 work schedule , which exploits the staff the same way as the businessmen in the nineteenth century did, has been discovered being operating in many companies.

The normal work schedule is supposed to be like this: it begins at nine o’clock and ends at five o’ clock each day for five days a week. The 996 work schedule , however , requires workers to work from 9 am to 9 pm, with an hour’s break both at noon and in the evening , making for a 10-hour-plus workday , six days a week, which nearly doubled the work hours .There is no denying the fact that it will cause plenty of serious problems. Among these problems hardly can I stress the significance of the harm to staff’s mental and physical health too much. Millons of staff are working in a low state because of the pressure from boss .

From my perspective, for adults who are on a 996 work schedule, considering the fact that giving the job up may be difficult for them even in such a work schedule, there is some advice for them. First, arrange your diet carefully and exercise during the spare time so that you can have a healthy body to copy with heavy workload. Second, in order to have a positive attitude towards the work ,always inspire yourself subconsciously, regard the work more than an enterprise but not an encumbrance .Third, when the tiredness you suffer became totally unacceptable , you can contact the Laborer Rights and Interests Organization for help.

Well, anyway I am not willing to take a job that involves such a work schedule.not only for the consideration of my own health , but also for the reason I believe a job with such a work schedule may usually be a meaningless and repeating one, from which I can’t achieve my value of life.
In conclusion in no way should the 996 work schedule be
equitable and measures should be taken to forbid this kind of work schedule. There are countless ways to improve the companies’ achievements , but apparently the way of fleecing the staffs should not be included.


