

Show your respect, or stop cheating




Please image that: it’s a late night in the metropolis.Countless office buildings in CBD are still sparking with lights from all floors. Few workers manage to call it off at 8 or 9 pm when most of them are still working an extra shift. Tired as they are, nobody complains, not until they rush down the stages, charge to the stops, try to catch the last buses which bring them on trips to their dwellings in suburbs mostly. Unfortunately, they’re not struggling for respect, but for survival instead.
The “brand effect” is not a fresh word for us. Surprisingly, while products with famous trademarks are taken as symbols for outstanding quality, workers in those are suffering from unjust treatments. The 996 working schedule is the most recent reflection of the unreasonable environment created by those enterprises. Hardly can I prevent myself from asking: how could it ever occur?

As I dig into it a bit further, I realize that it has already become an unspoken “tricks of the trade” of those Internet companies. Stirring as the competition is, they form up a firm syndicate on such an issue. All those big wigs insist that it’s lucky for those youths to have a chance to work hard in this era. Workers should cherish their opportunities rather than keep complaining about the remuneration. 

Does it give grounds for their behaviours? To make things clearer, I want to take those oversea companies into consideration. Pioneers of the industry such as Yahoo, Microsoft and Google all seem to have a similar overworking culture. Usually, brightly lit buildings are often considered as a reflection of a promising firm. However, in comparison to our companies, one thing that should be stressed is that their additional works are evenly paid. What’s more, faced with an equally high-pressure atmosphere, those American enterprises are consistent in periodical leisure activities, such as TGIF and free up-to-date movie shows every week with a “Significant Other”. What about our Chinese ones then? We can’t even ensure our workers have an utmost 72 hours work a week. 

Yes, we should admit that it’s those genius’ selfless work that builds up the framework of the “Internet era”. But today, can those entrepreneurs use such noble words and poisonous values to cheat us youths into earning profits only for their bosses? Can those big shots keep kidnapping those precious minds into handling repetitive stuff? No! They could have their work combined with their own interests and majors, and get rid of the tunneling effect, which proves to be preventing them from innovative thinking, and terminally benefit further more than now. 

To me, the 996 working schedule, even a much tighter one, isn’t frightening. From those guardians in remote outliers to scientists waving on the boundless Southern India Sea, though they may not be well paid by their 24*7 work, to some extent, they are paid. I don’t mean to put a limited definition on the “award”. Men can be rewarded both physically and mentally. A grand career can be more fascinating than a well-paid one because it offers people a great sense of content which the latter one never gives. No matter how many choices I’ve got, the only request of mine will be respected. I want myself to be esteemed not by the fame of the particular company I work in, but by my skill or contributions.
To sum up, there’s no secret lying in “digital success”. We can embrace a huge one by simply nourishing employees’ curiosity and creativity. Surely, one thing we must bear in mind is that laws and respect allow no exception.

May the Invictus spirit never fade.


