




A Great Country With a Promising Future

China becomes the second largest economy in the world, and makes more and more differences to the world, which makes us to be Chinese. However, China also had a period of history full of painful memories. But as the saying goes, “It never rains but it pours.” The oriental lion has waken up. With the joint efforts made by Chinese, China is developing at a fast rate and becoming stronger and wealthier. “China’s economy has never be a small pond,but a sea. In the future, China will be here forever.” President Xi, whose words cheered everyone up, said. Influential though China is now, we should never forget the pain our motherland went through. To enrich our country, “Action speaks louder than words.” As Chinese, it is not enough for us only to say“I love China.” It is supposed to be action. Each of us is a child of China, everyone should make a contribution to the development of China. Maybe the power of a person is little, if it turns to be 1.5billion times, it will be sure to make a great difference. Each of a role in the development of China. “The power of youth is the power of country.” We teenagers are the future of China, we are more expected to shoulder the responsibility to develop our country. First of all, study hard and acquire knowledge. Knowledge is great power, on which technology, agriculture and intelligence... almost everything is based. Of equal importance is a dream that helps you get progress and become a man you hope to be. The dream is supposed to be connected with the future of China. Only when we make tireless efforts, can China become better tomorrow. Last but not least, everyone must have a red heart that loves our motherland with selflessness. Now is a new era. With a difference everyone makes, I have confidence in the development of China. Best to our great motherland!


